Things I Adore (And think you might also adore)

Pioneer Woman

This woman is a: redheaded, and b: really good at being hilarious, cooking delicious things, and taking gorgeous photos. I love all of that. Her recipes are to die for, her blog is so fun to read, and I just love that she's redheaded. Redheads unite! Oh, and she has a whole section on photography, and it is really helping my skillz.


Because handmade is the only way to go.

also, seriously, I feel like we are all getting burned out on this whole corporate greedy capitalist thing going on in America. We are tired of cheap worthless crap and over-processed food that makes you fat and cheaply made things imported from China that won't last. So I'm a big supporter of the handmade movement, and I think Etsy is awesome, and beautiful, and inspiring.

Martha Stewart

Oh, Martha! Need I say more? Please peruse her site at your leisure. Gasp at her MAWV-EH-LUS,  Simply MAWV-EH-LUS ideas. So. Much. Love.

Cluck Cluck Sew

I just love this sewing blog. I am a novice sewer, and this gives me that little bit of motivation to keep trying. Because someday I might make something beautiful.

Check back here often, because I will be continually adding and updating this page! :)

peace, love, and SPASIBA BOLSHOY!
(which is pa-ruski for thank you very much)
